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Fireworks Display

To program a fireworks display

✔️ To predict the outcome of algorithms

✔️ To solve problems by splitting them down (decomposition)

✔️ To use sequence, selection and repetition in a program

✔️ design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts

✔️ use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables 

✔️ The children program a firework to move when clicked

✔️ They program firework effects


🌐 Link:

iCompute's Fireworks Scratch Studio

🌐 Link:

ResourceKS2.11a & b

WorksheetKS2.11a & b

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  • code
  • bug
  • debug
  • broadcast
  • repetition

  • repetition
  • loop
  • sequence
  • if
  • when

  • true
  • false